The Duke of Edinburgh's Award at CBS
La semana pasada hemos presentado a nuestros estudiantes de KS3 The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award a través de Cambridge Assessment International Education para ofrecer a nuestro colegio y a nuestros estudiantes, nuevas formas de ampliar nuestro plan de estudios. Tanto Cambridge, como la Fundación del Duque de Edimburgo creen que el aprendizaje no debe limitarse al aula, sino que también debe tener lugar en el entorno escolar y en una comunidad más amplia. Nosotros así lo creemos también y el próximo año escolar, cuando estén en Year 10, nuestros alumnos podrán comenzar este programa si así lo desean. Es completamente voluntario.
Queremos brindarles a los estudiantes la oportunidad de desarrollar habilidades interpersonales tales como liderazgo, trabajo en equipo y confianza. Al ofrecer el Premio como educación no formal junto con los programas académicos de Cambridge, podremos proporcionar a nuestros estudiantes una educación holística, más amplia. Trabajaremos juntos para desarrollar estudiantes seguros, responsables, sensatos, innovadores y comprometidos y crear oportunidades para que nuestros jóvenes desarrollen habilidades, se mantengan físicamente activos, presten servicio a su comunidad local y experimenten aventuras.
Last week we have introduced our KS3 students to The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award through Cambridge Assessment International Education to offer our school new ways to broaden our curriculum. Both our organisations believe that learning should not be confined to the classroom, but should also take place in the school environment and wider community. And next school year, they will be able to start this programme if they like. It is completely voluntary.
We want to provide students with an opportunity to develop soft skills such as leadership, teamwork and confidence. By offering the Award as non-formal education alongside the academic Cambridge programmes we will be able to provide our students with a holistic education. We are working together to develop confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged learners and create opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service to their local community and experience adventure.
About the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is available to all 14 to 24 year olds and is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It equips young people for life regardless of their background, and helps them find their purpose, passion and place in the world. Since its launch over 60 years ago, the Award has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives; and continues to do so in over 130 countries and territories around the world. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to step outside their comfort zone and recognise their achievements.
The Award is comprised of three levels and four sections:
- Bronze – for those over 14 years old
- Silver – for those over 15 years old
- Gold – for those over 16 years old.
Participants complete all four sections at each level to achieve their Award. At Gold level, participants also complete a residential project.