
Welcome to CBS, The British School of Seville

where our mission is to ensure that our children are happy while they learn, so they will be happy in the future.

Dear families,

I am lucky enough to have been part of the CBS team since it first opened its doors in 2009. At this moment in time I had already been living in Seville for 20 years and could not believe my eyes when I first set sight on CBS, The British School of Seville. Although the facilities were and are at present an obvious distraction, my eyes were set on the people, the British educational system, the such familiar classroom layouts and the bubble of English songs, stories and traditions.

CBS is a combination of parents, families and people who make CBS possible each and every day; teachers, admin, maintenance staff, cleaners, kitchen staff, etc. and what is so special about CBS? CBS achieves an individual education for every one of our students. We strongly believe that our education is what helps us to be happy in the future.

Every child grows and develops differently, at their own pace. At CBS we are one big family and as such, each family member has different needs and requires an individual approach. We take time to get to know our students, their family environment, their hobbies, their concerns, their day to day life and their dreams for the future.

For those of you who are at present looking for something much more than a school, a place where your child is accepted as they are, encouraged to enjoy their learning and motivated to reach their highest goals, CBS is the place for your family to be.

Yours truly,

Samantha Clewer
Deputy Principal


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