Nombrados los capitanes de Primaria de las cuatro CBS HOUSES
Ayer, martes 24 de octubre 2017 se presentaron en la Asamblea de Primaria los cuatro House Captains de primaria.
Aquí os dejamos sus nombramientos y frases de agradecimiento.
Yellow: Roman: Thank you for electing me, I am sure that we will win, but if we don’t win, we will be second. Thank you
Green: Hermes: I am so happy that they chose me and I am going to make my house win!
Blue: Pablo: Thank you for choosing me, today I invite you to my house and we have to try to get lots of points and try to win
Red: Estrella I am very excited to be your house captain. I love to see the happy faces of the Red house students. I am a very positive person and you can trust me.
¡Enhorabuena a los cuatro y mucha suerte!